Message from the Gods


Message from the Gods

Over the past decade or so I have enjoyed the experience of setting thoughtfully and beautifully written poetry to music. Lorca, Dylan Thomas, Blake, Kerouac etc.

For this album, my first inspiration came from listening to an interview with Kate (now Kae) Tempest, who as a person, I must admit, I didn’t take to very much. However, her poetry; so rhythmic and uncompromising; I felt it was waiting to become music! I then set about finding equally ‘Biblical’ settings that might live alongside hers on an album.

I think the collection fits together by way of courage, sense of purpose and juxtaposition:

Maya Angelou, Kahlil Gibran, W H Auden, Frida Kahlo, Leonard Cohen; they all live inside the same cerebral capsule, despite the fact that each of them come out fighting from a different corner.

All verse is written by the named Poets. Music written by Keith James. Strings written and arranged by Branwen Munn and Mia Korinoto. Recorded by Branwen Munn and David Smith. Mixed and Mastered by Branwen Munn.

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